To book a room


7 • 21 • 2024

7 • 22 • 2024




vue sur mers

Geographical address of the hotel

The Address

The hotel, with its pure and strong lines, blends into the fascinating landscape of Antibes. The road along the peninsula is one of the most beautiful on the French Riviera. You can swim in small coves where only a few small pointed boats are anchored. Between Nice, Toulon, and Monaco, the Beach Hotel is located on the wild peninsula of Cap d'Antibes. It is sheltered between the Gallice and Crouton ports. Facing the sea, the sun sets over the Mediterranean, with the Lérins Islands and Golf Juan on the horizon.

How to get to the hotel

• By plane: 15km from Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport and Cannes Mandelieu Aerodrome for private jet flights.

• By car: From the A8 motorway, take exit 44 Antibes towards Juan les Pins. From Nice airport, take the seafront along the coast.

• By boat: From the sea, dock at Port Gallice, next to our hotel. You can contact the harbour master's office, who will authorise you to berth before your captain returns to the anchorage in the nearby bay. GPS coordinates: 43.561618 - 7.118211.

• By train: From Antibes TGV station. You can also get off at Cannes and take the connecting train to Juan-Les Pins, an intermediate station 1.4 km away.
